Comparison Enriched GO Term Number of Proteins PValue Proteins Fold Enrichment FDR OA GO:0045216~cell-cell junction organization 4 0.003215314 Q01989 Q94887 Q9Y490 Q9VN14 10.96 4.775888484 OA GO:0034330~cell junction organization 4 0.006099557 Q01989 Q94887 Q9Y490 Q9VN14 9.133333333 8.877881028 OA GO:0007043~cell-cell junction assembly 3 0.02785622 Q94887 Q9Y490 Q9VN14 10.275 34.90330979 OA GO:0048729~tissue morphogenesis 5 0.034800632 Q01989 P46531 Q94887 Q5XIH7 P11584 3.805555556 41.6221428 OA GO:0034329~cell junction assembly 3 0.044283491 Q94887 Q9Y490 Q9VN14 8.22 49.75524084 OA GO:0060429~epithelium development 5 0.057813931 Q01989 Q94887 Q9VN14 Q5XIH7 P11584 3.261904762 59.54296566 OA GO:0010001~glial cell differentiation 3 0.063375457 P46531 Q94887 Q9VN14 6.85 63.02363443 OA GO:0048514~blood vessel morphogenesis 3 0.063375457 P46531 Q7Z3E1 P19971 6.85 63.02363443 OA GO:0048598~embryonic morphogenesis 5 0.066935867 Q01989 P46531 Q94887 P58365 P11584 3.113636364 65.10282319 OA GO:0002009~morphogenesis of an epithelium 4 0.073172105 Q01989 Q94887 Q5XIH7 P11584 3.914285714 68.48372024 OA GO:0042063~gliogenesis 3 0.08467512 P46531 Q94887 Q9VN14 5.871428571 73.93143153 OA GO:0045449~regulation of transcription 8 0.092168648 Q8CGF7 Q5ZLT7 O00422 P46531 Q2KJJ0 Q9Y2V2 Q5XIH7 P51610 1.992727273 76.99258116 Mech Stress 400 ľatm GO:0016482~cytoplasmic transport 2 0.095665501 Q01989 O75494 19.97916667 76.84492157 Mech Stress 400 ľatm GO:0043954~cellular component maintenance 2 0.095665501 Q01989 P58365 19.97916667 76.84492157 Mech Stress 400 ľatm GO:0048489~synaptic vesicle transport 2 0.095665501 Q9VI75 Q94887 19.97916667 76.84492157 Mech Stress 2800 ľatm GO:0050905~neuromuscular process 4 0.007169537 Q9MYM4 P58365 P07686 P26232 8.63963964 10.42889056 Mech Stress 2800 ľatm GO:0007043~cell-cell junction assembly 3 0.031023649 Q94887 Q9Y490 Q9VN14 9.719594595 38.26951441 Mech Stress 2800 ľatm GO:0050885~neuromuscular process controlling balance 3 0.031023649 Q9MYM4 P58365 P07686 9.719594595 38.26951441 Mech Stress 2800 ľatm GO:0048729~tissue morphogenesis 5 0.041755865 Q9MYM4 P46531 Q94887 Q5XIH7 P08630 3.59984985 47.94517596 Mech Stress 2800 ľatm GO:0007272~ensheathment of neurons 3 0.049178274 Q94887 Q9VN14 P07686 7.775675676 53.78647658 Mech Stress 2800 ľatm GO:0001508~regulation of action potential 3 0.049178274 Q94887 Q9VN14 P07686 7.775675676 53.78647658 Mech Stress 2800 ľatm GO:0034329~cell junction assembly 3 0.049178274 Q94887 Q9Y490 Q9VN14 7.775675676 53.78647658 Mech Stress 2800 ľatm GO:0008366~axon ensheathment 3 0.049178274 Q94887 Q9VN14 P07686 7.775675676 53.78647658 Mech Stress 2800 ľatm GO:0019228~regulation of action potential in neuron 3 0.049178274 Q94887 Q9VN14 P07686 7.775675676 53.78647658 Mech Stress 2800 ľatm GO:0045216~cell-cell junction organization 3 0.049178274 Q94887 Q9Y490 Q9VN14 7.775675676 53.78647658 Mech Stress 2800 ľatm GO:0005976~polysaccharide metabolic process 4 0.056543137 Q9MYM4 P13280 P07686 Q9VFC8 4.31981982 58.97226363 Mech Stress 2800 ľatm GO:0005996~monosaccharide metabolic process 8 0.064789812 Q9CQ60 Q9MYM4 P13280 P10155 C3YWU0 P07686 Q9VFC8 Q5XIG6 2.15990991 64.13128525 Mech Stress 2800 ľatm GO:0034330~cell junction organization 3 0.070182642 Q94887 Q9Y490 Q9VN14 6.47972973 67.16993263 Mech Stress 2800 ľatm GO:0010001~glial cell differentiation 3 0.070182642 P46531 Q94887 Q9VN14 6.47972973 67.16993263 Mech Stress 2800 ľatm GO:0048598~embryonic morphogenesis 5 0.079273151 P46531 Q94887 P58365 P11046 P08630 2.945331695 71.75377355 Mech Stress 2800 ľatm GO:0000902~cell morphogenesis 6 0.088850556 P46531 Q94887 P58365 Q91ZU6 Q9VN14 P26232 2.429898649 75.93146346 Mech Stress 2800 ľatm GO:0042063~gliogenesis 3 0.093510054 P46531 Q94887 Q9VN14 5.554054054 77.74808488